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Jun 6, 2012

We Love Smallwood!

For those who are not familiar with my 'hood, Šumice is the biggest park in the Municipality of Voždovac, and the most inspiring area in this part of town. 

It is also a home to a sports hall that nobody ever had a problem with until somebody decided that it was perfectly OK to issue a permit to a company to cut down Šumice's sycamore trees and erect a sports tent instead!

We protested, signed petitions, held vigils for the dead trees, organized peaceful rallies and even opened a Facebook page.
Peaceful protests were held every day at 5 p.m. and mothers with their babies guarded the trees for hours on end side by side with the Community Police. 
Alas, it was too late for this guy.

The children kept playing in the park just the same and somewhat alleviated the somber mood that prevailed in the park that day. The earth was still scarred from deep tire marks from the heavy machines

Finally, the building permit was revoked!
Though nothing can bring back the hour of 
splendour in the grass, of glory in the flower, 
we will grieve not, rather find
strength in what remains behind. 

Couple of weeks later, I snapped a photo of these newly planted trees. 
"This is not the end. It is not event he beginning of the end. But it is, perhaps, the end of the beginning."
Winston Churchill

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