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Mar 13, 2012

Soup of the Week, Part 1

This Sunday, I finally found the time to go to the famous Block 70 in Novi Belgrade (something like  Belgrade's Chinatown) to get some Chinese foodstuffs  I've been craving for a while. I came back home with miso soup paste, soy sauce, a variety of pickled salads, goji berries, tofu (can you believe it costs 100 dinars, which is less than a euro, per kilo) soybean noodles, and some other stuff.

 That was a good judgment call because the next day I woke up with a bad case of cold. I did not feel like embarking on any great culinary adventures and had just enough energy to roll out of bed and put together a miso soup. It was so good I decided to cook another batch the next day. That was when I decided to try to kill two birds with one stone, cure the cold and engage in a bit of an experiment. So I will be subsisting mainly on a variety of soups either until I run out of ideas or until my appetite returns. By then I will hopefully figure out which seasoning-veggie-protein-noodle combo works best for me.
Today's lunch and dinner was a standard miso soup fare, featuring
noodles, Swiss chard, leek, tofu and miso paste. I could not find any soba noodles so I used the soybean long-life noodles:) I bought at Block 70 (where else?!) a month or so ago. To say it brought  me back to life is an understatement.

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